新托福写作范文及解析【综合 独立】




摘要:新托福写作范文及解析【综合 独立】!托福写作对于考生们来说可以比较自由地发挥,但是很多考生们并没有思路。下面小编为同学们介绍新托福写作范文及解析,同学们可以参考。

托福写作范文及解析【综合 独立】。托福写作对于考生们来说可以比较自由地发挥,但是很多考生们并没有思路。下面小编为同学们介绍新托福写作范文及解析,同学们可以参考。



30天天集中辅导 导学练评辅五维一体式备考,直播互动有问必答!


关于 mima mounds的三个行程theory,但是教授不同意

Reading1 :manual labor理论,说因他们都是orderly arranged所以native Americans 为了bury ceremony人为制造的;

Listening1:反驳阅读,虽然人用mound 建造burial,但目前没见过有mima建的,mima里面没有human remains;

Reading2 :认为loose soil是和earthquake 一起造成的;


Reading3 :认为mima是由一种动物挖洞丢出的mound形成的;



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Some agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing the food for the growing world population is more important than protecting the environment.


这次的考试话题属于托福考试中的老话题,关于现代化农业对环境的影响和环境保护之间哪个重要的比较类型话题。对于广大托福考生来说,可以说是相对比较简单的话题, 也应该在考前做过相关考题的训练。 重点在于对比农业提供食物和破坏环境二者之间的比较。



背景(industrial agriculture, increasing population) 话题 个人观点表达(建议采用折中式,二者同样重要)。


第一段:表明提供食物对人类的重要性( providing food for a growing number of people is more urgent than the protection of environment), 食物对人们的生存是必须的(necessity).而随着人口的增加,提高产量(crop productivity)是第一事件(top issue)

第二段:环境保护对于人类的重要性,过度的农业发展使得环境破坏了(The most obvious and detrimental impact of modern agriculture methods is environmental degradation, especially by the over utilization of chemical fertilizers and pesticides)。并且有些破坏是不可逆转的(once the environment on which we depend on is disrupted, our lives are placed at risk)对人们造成很大的

People will suffer from diseases and the government will shoulder considerable medical bills.


表明自己的观点,二者是同样重要(providing food and protecting the environment are equally significant for the long-term development of people)


Currently, as the population increased, agriculture serves as an increasingly important role in people's daily lives since it could provide people with the basic necessity of eating.It has long been a highly contentious issue that agriculture methods damage the environment, should these methods continue to apply in agriculture?Which is more important? Providing food or protecting environment? In my opinion, providing food for growing population and protecting the environment are equally vital.

First, food as people's basic necessity is an essential ingredient of people's lives, so it is important to increase crop yield as many as possible. As we all know, the total population in the world is approximately 7 billion, which is an enormous number.And the population is growing day after day. It is necessary for us to grow more grain and vegetable to meet the significant demands of large amount of people. As a result agriculture methods appeared. Personally speaking, I think there is a natural tendency to take advantage of fertilizer and pesticides as well as other methods to boost agricultural productivity. Only in this way can the problem of food shortage can be effective controlled. Without rich food yield majority of people are much prone to live a meager life rather than a decent life. In general, the advantages of utilizing agriculture far outweigh its disadvantages. This is the principal reason why supplying enough provisions is important.

Further, environment is an equally indispensable part for people since the earth is the only family for people so far. Everyone is obligatory to protect the environment. In addition,factories are supposed to avoid making pollution. There is much controversy on whether agriculture methods such as pesticide, fertilizer which jeopardize the environment should be applied, some claim we should stop such approaches which improve the agricultural output. From my perspective, however, we should not stop utilizing all the agriculture methods but invent new methods which will not adversely affect the environment. Scientists and researchers should be organized by the government to produce new and harmless methods which can apply in agriculture without any damage in environment.

In conclusion,providing food and protecting the environment are equally significant for the long-term development of people. It is the earth that the only place we could live in, therefore protecting the environment is our responsibility. In addition,providing food for increased people is also necessary for reason that eating is people's basic necessity. We should promote the development of agriculture methods and of environment protecting simultaneously.

上述就是小编为同学们介绍的新托福写作范文及解析【综合 独立】。看了上述的范文之后,同学们可以作为参考,模仿范文的写作方法,相信大家一定能够快速提高自己的写作能力。






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