16. "You need some skills, such as a partner, to play table tennis."
17. "China is a big country, so we have four seasons."
18. "My boyfriend doesn't fit me."
19. "To be my friend, you must be like animal !"
20. "Most Chinese people live in the north,south,east,and west of China."
21. "I go shopping for sports equipment. For example, I bought a cat yesterday."
22. "She is a good person, because I know her father."
23. "As we all know, every corn has its two size!"
24. "I study in a computer."
(谁会在电脑里头学习?应该是I study with a computer。)
25. "I want to go to America to learn hotel management so I can take this IELTS test."
26. "I live in a small city, so it has poor education."
(剑桥和牛津都是所谓的small city哦!)
27. "I come from a small village-Xi'an."
28. "As we all know, people can't live without life."
29. "Dancing is an indispensable part of people's lives."
30. "Young people don't like old buildings because old people go there."
(同学,就这么恨old people吗?)
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