Britain's armed services are to wear socks made in China after the firm which has supplied them for 80 years was dropped.
UK's Ministry of Defense has instead handed the contract to a Northern Ireland firm, Cooneen Watts & Stone, which manufactures its socks in China and will supply 2.5 million pairs over four years. Sock-maker HJ Hall, which is 128-year-old and has provided socks for the Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Navy for 80 years, lost the 5-million-pound order this time.
英国国防部近日表示,一家名为“酷尼”的北爱尔兰公司在招标过程中赢得新合同。该公司在中国生产袜子,将会在未来4年为英军提供250万双袜子。而此前有128年历史的英国HJ Hall制袜公司为英国陆海空三军提供袜子已有80年的历史,此次却与价值5百万英镑的订单擦肩而过。
An MoD spokesman said: "Following an open tender process, a new contract to provide socks was awarded to Cooneen Watts & Stone, who offered the best value for money to meet our requirements. “
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