雅思口语话题思路及范文:与你截然相反的朋友 - 雅思口语




Describe a friend or relative who is very different from you.

You should say:

Where the friend lives


短期集中备考 全程直播授课,内容紧跟变化,授课老师亲自答疑解惑


How you met him/her

How he is different from you

And explain how you can still be good friends even though you are so different

Right, well,… I had tough time thinking about who was most unlike me but I guess it would have to be my cousin, Zhou Jiao Ping. Jiao Ping is a person who’s so clever when it comes to business that I have chosen him, because when it comes to business I always seem to make the wrong decisions. Jaio Ping is a real estate agent who puts almost every extra rmb into investments like property and stocks. He never seems to lose money.

His job alone pays him a reasonable income but he makes a lot on all the private investments he makes, and perhaps you could call him a millionaire. I, on the other hand, don't dare to invest my money because I’m too afraid of losing it, and I prefer spending my money on things to make me and others feel good

Jiao Ping is a driven man and I like his energy and persistence. He’s not a boastful guy, in fact he’s quite modest, but he’s a complete workaholic and even if you sit him down for over a minute he will think of things he could be doing. He’s a thin fellow, has no time for food it seems, and he has this permanent smile on his face. He has quite a sharp wit and never seems to be serious when you talk with him, but in fact he’s always thinking of this and that.

Jiao Ping is very generous and lends money to so many people, without even expecting them to pay it back. But he spends hardly a penny on himself. He has no wife, and although he has about 4 homes, he lives in a very small place. You might say he is a miser, but actually he just doesn't care that much for luxuries since he doesn't get any pleasure from them.

He’s different from me in many ways. First, I enjoy spending money to make myself happy. I also have to have a balance of work and pleasure. I don't mind working hard during my work, but I can’t stand always thinking about work and I need some time to just relax. I also don't feel so guilty about wasting a bit of time every now and then.





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