



新东方托福网络课程免费试听 2016年托福(TOEFL)写作经典范文——老师工资


The issue of how to improve the quality of education has attracted the public attention all over the world. Some may argue that raising teachers’ paycheck is the best way to achieve such goal. In my opinion, despite several benefits, this proposal is not the best solution.

Admittedly, raising teachers’ salaries is a good way for better education performance. Since a high salary represents a highly valued and appreciated job, to give teachers more decent paycheck may boost their self-esteem and motivate them to optimize their syllabus. Besides, a higher salary makes the job market more competitive. In the past, the brightest intellectuals may pick more challenging and profitable jobs; however, with the salary-raising policy, teachers would become more desirable. Since quality of teachers largely determines that of the education, we could expect better education with the boom of higher qualified teachers.


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However, to say raising teachers’ salaries is the best option is definitely an overstatement. On one hand, to raise teachers’ salaries means students have to afford more tuition fees. In this case more families would have to face heavy financial burden, where kids are easily being affected. Some from poor families would even have to drop out. According to a recent survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Science, after polling hundreds of teenage dropouts, most respondents claimed that considering the increasingly high tuitions fees, working at an early age becomes a better way out. It seems to me that there must be other ways to improve the education without making it an unaffordable one.承上启下

On the other hand, schools can provide trainings to teachers. This is a more direct and effective way to boost educational development. My college is a good case in point. Last year among all the sophomores, only three in ten passed College English Band 4. But this year the number soared to seven in ten. The secret is that all the teachers received a one-month training. Trainers are several returned alumni majoring in TE

SOL. Not only did they impart theoretical knowledge, but they also share experience on communicative and interaction skills. After those lectures and seminars, English classes became more student-centered. Obviously, giving teachers spiritual ammunition is more efficient than just handing out material reward.

All in all, although raising teachers’ salaries can improve education level to some extent, it is by no means the best way and other methods should also be taken into account.






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