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Some people who unexpectedly receive a large amount of money spend it on practical things, while others spend it for pleasure only, which do you think is better and why?
I would prefer to spend a large amount of money on practical things for two reasons. The first reason is that I will have the money a lot longer if I’m able to be practical with it. When I was young, I used to get money for my birthday and I would spend all of it very quickly. After it was gone, I would see something that I really needed and I wouldn't be able to buy it.
The second reason is that it can be used for emergencies. There have been many times in my life where I needed to buy or pay for something very important: new car tires, bill payments, etc. and if I didn’t have the money, I would have to either get a loan with a high interest-rate or ask my parents for money, which I always found embarrassing. That’s why I would prefer to spend a large amount of money on practical things.
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