新概念英语之 玛雅人用来预测未来的历法——卓尔金历
玛雅人认为每个卓尔金日都有其所影响事物的象征,他们有个称为日期保管者(day keeper)的萨满祭司,借由研读卓尔金历预测未来。据说玛雅人是根据卓尔金历推算出的世界末日。今天的新概念文化大爆炸节目就带大家了解一下玛雅卓尔金历中的几个日名~~
1. Ahau, or Ajpu in Kiche Maya, is the sacred day sign of the Sun. It represents mental and psychological tests and challenges, struggle, leadership and heroism. It also embodies the energy and strength of completion. Ahau's animal totems are the eagle and the human being.
2. Akbal, or Aq'ab'al in Kiche Maya, is the day sign of Night. It is the sign of clarity or light, and symbolizes both dawn and darkness. This is a day particularly propitious for love and marriage, and for the ability to think and act with perfect clarity. Akbal's animal totems are the fawn and the macaw.
3. Ben, or Aj in Kiche Maya, represents the Reed or Corn. It is the nawal of the home and children; on this day we give thanks for our home, our family and for the nourishment we are provided by the planet. Ben's animal totems are the armadillo and the bee.Ben日(或者基切语中的Aj日)代表芦苇或玉米。它是表示家和孩子的日名。这一天,我们感谢自己的家庭和所在土地对自己的养育之恩。Ben日的动物图腾是穿山甲和蜜蜂。
4. Caban, or N'oj in Kiche Maya, signifies ideas, wisdom, memory and patience. This is the nawal of intelligence; this daysign is therefore very useful in asking for creativity and the power of intellect to find solutions to challenges. Its animal totems are the woodpecker and the gazelle.
5. Cauac, or Kawoq in Kiche Maya, is the sign of the Storm, in all of its forms and expressions, from a soft spring rain to a raging typhoon. This is the sign of the Divine Feminine and has a special connection with women and feminine energy. Its animal totems are the turtle and the puma.
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