The problem of leisure is new. Until very recent times people worked each day to the limit of their strength. Of course there were always a privileged few who had leisure; but most men had to work 12, 14, or even 16 hours a day, six days a week. As late as 1840 the average factory worker labored 72 hours a week. “Sunup to sundown” was the farmer’s day, or as another phrase puts it, “from can to can’t.”
The phrase “from can to can’t” means ______.
A、from beginning to end
B、from birth to death
C、from morning to night
D、from time to time
【正确答案】 C
【答案解析】 从本段最后一句话可知,这个短语与“Sunup to sundown”同义,即日出到日落,也就是从早到晚。
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