5.altogether,all together all together 是形容词性短语,意思是在一起(in a group);而altogether是副词,意思是全部地(wholly)。试比较:
(1)The family was all together for the holidays.
(2)I don't altogether agree with your opinion.
6.close,closely 两者都是副词,意思上都表示“接近、紧密”,用法上有所不同,表示地点的紧接,接近用close:They followed close behind.“他们紧跟在后边。”He stood close against the wall.“他靠紧墙站着。”而表示状况的密切、紧密用closely:They are closely in agreement.“他们意见很一致。”I am following the matter closely.“我正在密切关注这一事件。”但是,close和closely都可以用来修饰分词,回答how的问题,如:close shut,closely-packed等。
7.each,every两者都是“每个”的意思,但用法上有区别。Each表示个别的概念,常指一定数目中的一个,可用作形容词、副词或代词,如:Each student has his own desk.“每个学生都有自己的课桌。”They received ten yuan each。“他们每人收到10元钱。”Each ofthe students has his own desk.“每个学生都有自己的课桌。”every和all一样,表示总体的概念,可译为“每个”但有“一切”的含义,every是形容词,只有在和名词构成复合词时,才能做代词用,如:Every painter secretly hopes to produce one Mona Lisa in his life.“每个画家都暗自希望一生中能画出《蒙娜丽莎》这样的作品。”再试比较下列两组句子:
I told every student to come.“我通知了每个学员都来。”
I told each student to come.“我一个个地通知了每个学员都来。”
Every country has his customs.“每个国家都有它的习俗。”
Each country has his customs.“国家各有习俗。”
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