1 Laser beams can be used to bore metals and other hard materials.
A trim
B melt
C drill
D slice
参考答案: C
2 The cost of elections in the United States is borne by both the government and the private sector.
A known
B fought
C exposed
D assumed
参考答案: D
3 Acknowledged as the main cause of hay fever the pollen of ragweed is very bothersome.
A intriguing
B annoying
C potent
D significant
参考答案: B
4 They got in quite a brawl.
A snit
B fight
C bally
D littering
参考答案: B
5 By providing legal representation, the American Civil Liberties Union works to defend citizens against breaches of their civil rights.
A branches
B exercises
C perusals
D violations
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