


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What kind of dangerous animals are there?
a) monkeys
b) snakes

2) There are many different species of ____.
a) plants
b) fish




3) What are trees and plants used for?
a) Building houses
b) Making medicine
Topic:Which place in your country has lots of wildlife?
Hello. My name is Felipe from Colombia and the question is in which place in your country there is a lot of wildlife? I think the answer is the Amazon region and where the rainforest is. I think there are so many different species of animals and so you can find really dangerous animals such as crocodiles, snakes also. Do you know the anaconda snake which is, I think, the biggest snake in the world, that's a really dangerous one. So you can find many animals in the forest, monkeys also, and if you go to the rivers there are also dangerous ones such as piranhas and if look around, there are also many species, different species of trees and plants. Some of them are used for making some, you know, medicines. So I think the Amazon region has a lot of diversity and you can find really friendly animals such as monkeys but really not so friendly animals such as snakes.

b a b

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