


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) How often does Mike use his social networking account?
a) sometimes
b) every day

2) People are more disconnected now because they don' ___.
a) use social media sites
b) connect much in person




3) What does Mike think is important?
a) Using social networks.
b) Face-to-face contact
Topic:Are you into social networking?
Hi, my name's Mike. I'm from Canada and the question is are you into social networking? Nowadays I think it's very rare to find people that aren't into social networking. So, yes, I am into social networking in the sense that I do have an account and I do use it every once in a while. But as much as social networking has brought us all together, I think in some ways people are a little bit more disconnected because people feel that they're so connected on a social network that they no longer need to connect in person. So, unfortunately, some people have lost the human touch and the part that makes us human connecting face to face and I hope that people can go forward and remember that it's still very important to connect with one another on a real level.


a b b

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