Lesson 23 Are you busy
一、 情景对话:
Today I was fired! 今天我被解雇了!
I’m really bummed out. 我好伤心。
Hey buddy! You busy? 嘿!朋友!最近忙吗?
No, not anymore. 我不会再忙了,不会了。
Man, you don’t look so well. 朋友!你看上去不太好啊。
Everything ok? 一切都好吗?
No, it’s not. Leave me alone. 不,别理我。让我自已单独呆会儿
I just want to some peace and quiet. 我只是想安静一下。
Hey, don’t get upset! 嘿,别生气啊!
I told you . LEAVE …ME… ALONE! 我说过,不要理我!
Let me go ! let me go ! 放开我! 放开我!
Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?
What a day! 多糟的一天啊!
You can say that again! 你再说一遍
Fired 被解雇
bummed out 伤心
buddy 伙计
get upset 生气
are you crazy? 你疯了吗?
I was fired. 我被解雇了.Today I was fired! 今天我被解雇了.
Yesterday afternoon Jack was fired for being late. 昨天下午,杰克因为迟到被解雇了.
Her work was very poor so they fired her 她的工作业绩很不好所以被他们解雇了
I wasn’t fired, I quit! 我没被解雇,我退出.
I’m really bummed out. 我好伤心.
Man, you don’t look so well. 朋友! 你看上去不太好啊!
Leave me alone. 让我单独待会儿.
Leave me alone. I just want some peace and quiet. 别理我,我只想安静一下.
Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to anybody right now. 让我单独待会儿. 我现
Will you please leave me alone? I’m busy! 你能不能让我单独待着? 我很忙!
Leave her alone. She’s in a bad mood. 让她单独待着吧. 她心情很不好.
Let me go . 让我走.
Let me go! Are you crazy? 让我走! 你疯了吗?
Let me go! I’m in a hurry!
Let me go or I’ll call the police. 让我走, 否则我叫警察了!
Let me go, I’m all right now. 让我走, 我现在没事儿.
What a day! 多糟的一天啊!
Upset 生气
When I lost my wallet I was really upset. 当我丢了钱包,我很生气
Not anymore 不再是了.
Do you live with your parents? 你和你父母住一起吗?
Not anymore! 不再是了.
Buddy 伙计
Hey! Buddy, what time is it? 嗨! 伙计, 现在几点?
Fired 被解雇/ bummed out 伤心/ buddy 伙计/ upset 生气/ not anymore 不再是了
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