Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Mike worries about _____ weight.
a) losing
b) gaining
2) He usually eat _______ .
a) a special diet
b) as much as he wants
3) He takes _______ as well.
a) supplements
b) yoga classes
Topic:What do you do to stay thin?
Hello. This is Mike and I'm from Cananda. The topic today is ... what do you do to stay thin? That's a funny question for me because I don't try and stay thin. In fact I have a super fast metabolism, so no matter how much I eat, no matter how many times a day I eat, I don't gain any weight. Lately I've been on a workout program where I go to the gym as much as I can, and I eat as many times a day, and as much as I can to try and get as much food in me as possible, but the key is just not to eat as much as you can, but while you're keeping up on eating as much as you can, you have to be going to the gym on a regular basis, so that the weight that you gain, is gonna be muscle weight and not fat weight, but the thing is at the same time as eating a healthy diet, you have to take the right supplements, and especially during the summertime, it's important to drink a lot of water, so for me the biggest challenge is drinking plenty of water a day.
b b a
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