



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) In Tehran talking to strangers is ______ .




a) common

b) unusual

2) He mentions talking to people _______ .

a) at parties

b) on public transportation

3) He says Iranians have a hard time _____ .

a) keeping quiet

b) meeting people


Topic:Are the people in your city friendly?

Hello, I'm Amir from Iran and I'm speaking for elllo.org. My question is ... are the people in your city friendly? Well, I can't be generalizing it but the people in my city, Tehran - the capital city of Iran, but I somehow see them as very friendly people because they can communicate with total strangers very easily. In public transportation, like bus, trains, subways in Iran, I see this total stranger come sit next to me and then he start talking about his personal problems, difficulties he went through, or happiest moment in his life because actually, Iranians are very people who are very talkative and at the same time cannot keep quiet much I believe. I see them a little close to Italians. We are talkative people, so they are very much friendly in that sense in public spirit. Thank you.


a b a

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