Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Mike says it is important to have _______ to sell music in the U.S.
a) licence
b) rights
2) Mike says there are _______ famous musicians from Canada.
a) huge
b) a few
3) Mike is _______ that Celine Dion is from Canada.
a) proud
b) ashamed
Topic:What are some popular musicians from your country?
Hi, my name is Mike, from Canada, and this is for elllo.org. My question today is: "What are some popular musicians from your country?". Well, from Canada, there are very limited amount of popular musicians, because it is very hard to become big in Canada. Unless you have rights to sell your music in the United States, it has a very tough system where musicians struggle to become famous. But there are a few famous musicians that came out of Canada. To name a few, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, and I'm sure most people have heard of Avril Lavigne. These are some of America's people that America just wishes they were American because they're so famous and so popular, and I can definitely say that I'm proud that these amazing singers come from my country.
b b a
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