



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Where did he go skiing?




a) Europe

b) Canada

2) How did they get to the top?

a) Snow mobile

b) Helicopter

3) The snow was up to their ____ .

a) waist

b) shoulder


Topic:What is an adventure you've had?

Hello, this is Fred from Canada for elllo.org. Adventure! Adventure! I love adventure! I, if I could, I would take different kind of adventure everyday! But if I were to choose the biggest adventure that I’ve taken in my life, I would say that it was during this one, a skiing trip, this one, skiing adventure. So when I was, maybe 16 years old, we went to Switzerland, and then we skied on the glaciers over there, and so with some friends who decided to put our money together, and er…rent a helicopter, and then go into the, the work you call the snowball, and so when we went there, the helicopter drops us on top of the mountain. And then there was nothing, there was nobody, and so we were skiing there, and on the fresh powder I’ve never touched before. We had some powder up to our shoulders almost, you know, and it was really… It was worth. Every second of it! It was one of the most amazing adventures of my life. One of the craziest also! What kind of crazy adventure do you have?


a b b

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