Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Shalini has ____ regrets.
a) few
b) many
2) Does Shalini speak Japanese?
a) Not as fluently as she'd like
b) She is fluent
3) How long was she in Japan?
a) Six years
b) Seven years
Topic:What is your biggest regret?
Hi, my name is Shalini from Canada.
My biggest regret, actually I guess I don't really have one big regret, occasionally I have a few small regrets here and there but if I had to choose one perhaps it's not learning the Japanese language more fluently.
I do speak some Japanese and I'm able to comprehend quite a bit but after being in Japan for seven years, I'm not quite where I would like to be. So I guess that would have to be my biggest regret right now.
a a b
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