新英语900句视频版 第14课:郭佛家人来晚餐 文本如下:
Mama, the Crawfords are coming to dinner next Wednesday.
妈, 郭佛家人在下星期三将来我们家吃晚餐.
Mr. Crawford.
Isn't he one of Paulo's business acquaintances?
I see. When are they coming?
我明白了, 他们什么时候来啊?
Next Wednesday, the nineteenth.
下星期三, 十九号.
How many people are there going to be?
Six in all. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Michael, Paulo, you and me.
共六位, 郭佛夫妇, 迈克尔, 保罗, 你和我.
What are you going to serve?
I'm not sure.
Do they like Brazilian food?
I don't know.
We could make "feijoada." Everyone likes that.
我们可以做 "feijoada" (咸八宝饭), 每个人都喜欢这种菜的.
I suppose so. What do you think?
我也这么想, 您认为怎么样?
It isn't very fancy.
Well, they're your guests. You decide.
好吧! 他们是你的客人, 你决定.
You're right. "Feijoada" it is.
您是对的, 就做 "咸八宝饭".
Tell me about Michael.
Well, he's very tall and handsome. He has big blue eyes and long blond hair.
好啊! 他高大而英俊, 有一双大大的碧眼及长长的金黄头发.
Oh? How long?
哦! 有多长啊?
Down to his shoulders. It's beautiful. Like gold.
到他肩部, 很漂亮的, 就像黄金一样.
What does he do, dear?
他做些什么事呢? 孩子.
He does many things.
He's very creative.
He's a great painter, really. He also gives free English lessons to the people in his neighborhood.
事实上他是个画家, 他还免费帮他的邻居上英文课.
I see.
You're going to like him. Everybody does.
你将会喜欢他的, 每个人都喜欢他.
Where does he live?
He has a small apartment on 88th Street.
他有间小公寓, 在八十八街.
A small apartment. On 88th Street.
小公寓, 在八十八街.
Don't worry, Mama.
不要操心, 妈,
I'm not going to marry him tomorrow.
Michael. Hello. How nice of you to call!
迈克尔, 喂, 你打电话来太好了!
This Friday night? What a good idea!
这个星期五晚上? 多好的主意!
Yes. I'm sure Paulo can come. He doesn't work Friday nights.
是的, 我确定保罗会去, 他星期五晚上不工作.
Can I help? I could bake a cake.
要我帮忙吗? 我可以烘蛋糕.
Don't be silly. I like to bake, and I love parties.
不要傻了, 我喜欢烘蛋糕和参加宴会.
Can I see some of your paintings?
Yes, really. I paint, too.
是的, 真的吗? 我也画画.
I never talk about it. I'm not very good. In fact, my paintings are pretty bad.
我从不说它, 我画得不好, 事实上, 我画得很差.
No. I don't have any with me. They're all home in Brazil.
不, 那些画并没在我身边, 它们全在巴西的家里.
Oh, really? Perhaps some afternoon I could go to art class with you.
噢, 真的吗? 或许那天下午, 我能够跟你一起上艺术课.
Fine. See you Friday, then.
很好, 星期五见.
Friday, at 8:30. Thank you. Good night.
星期五, 八点半, 谢谢你, 晚安.
Good morning, sir. May I help you?
早安, 先生, 我能效劳吗?
It's our anniversary today. I'm looking for the same flowers as the ones in her wedding bouquet.
今天是我们结婚周年, 我要找 (买) 一些和内人在婚礼上所拿的相同的花束.
What do they look like?
White. They're white.
白色的, 白色的花束.
How tall are they?
They're short, I guess. About the same height as those short flowers over there.
我想, 它是矮矮的, 差不多跟那边的花朵一样高.
Do they look like roses?
No. They look like little bells.
不像, 它们看起来像个小钟形.
Oh -- lilies of the valley. No, I'm sorry.
哦 -- 铃兰, 很抱歉,
We're out of them at the moment.
Oh, that's too bad.
哎呀, 那太糟了.
What about roses?
How many do you suggest?
As many as you like, sir. They're beautiful, aren't they?
你需要多少就买多少, 先生. 它们很漂亮, 不是吗?
Yes, they are.
是的, 很漂亮.
Hi, Peggy. Hi, Suzy.
嗨, 蓓姬、苏西,
What a nice surprise!
Hi, Mom. We're on our way home from school.
嗨! 妈, 我们刚下课正要回家.
Excuse me a minute, girls.
等一下, 孩子们.
Jane, can you take care of this gentleman? Now, how was school today?
珍, 你能来招呼这位男士吗? 好了, 今天在学校怎么样?
The same as always.
Oh. There was one thing.
哦, 有件新鲜事.
Jack was in a big fight.
Is he all right?
I think so. But he's in the principal's office.
我想是没事, 不过他在校长室.
Oh, no!
噢, 真糟糕!
Why are Billy and Jack so different from each other?
I don't know, dear. I really don't.
我不知道, 孩子, 我真不知道.
When are you coming home, Mom?
妈, 您何时回家?
It's Friday. The store is open until 9:00 tonight.
星期五, 这家店营业到九点.
Gee, you're as bad as Dad.
唉! 你跟爸爸一样糟糕.
What do you mean, dear?
孩子, 这话是什么意思?
You're never home, either.
Of course, sir. We send flowers anywhere in the country.
当然, 先生, 在这个地区里任何地方我们都送的.
Well, tulips are very pretty.
嗯, 郁金香是很漂亮的.
They look like... uh... well... cups.
看起来像是... 嗯... 杯子.
Oh, she likes roses. Then send her roses.
噢, 她喜欢玫瑰, 那就送玫瑰给她.
No, in fact, tulips aren't as expensive as roses this year.
不, 实际上, 今年的郁金香不像玫瑰那么昂贵.
Fine. How many tulips do you want to order?
好, 你要订多少郁金香?
$10.00 I can?Certainly. For send sixteen.
当然了, 十块钱可以送十六朵.
Yes. We usually include a short note with the flowers.
是的, 我们都在花中夹一便条的.
"To Mom. Happy Birthday." Yes, that's fine. Your mother's name and address, please?
"送给妈妈, 祝您生日快乐", 是的, 那很好, 你母亲的名字和地址, 能告诉我吗?
Mrs. G. Crawford. 143-29 Park Avenue. Is that C-R-A-W-F-O-R-D?
郭佛太太, 公园大道一四三之 29 号, 是不是 C-R-A-W-F-O-R-D ?
Thank you. And your name and address, please?
谢谢你, 请告诉我你的名字和地址.
Michael Crawford. 342 88th Street. Thank you very much. Have a nice day, sir.
迈克尔郭佛, 八十八街三四二号, 谢谢您的惠顾, 祝您有个愉快的日子, 先生.
