色拉英语乐园视频附文本 Lesson 14:第一次_初级英语口语




Lesson 14 (03-4) It’s my first time

I’m really nervous about this.我真的很紧张。

I’ve got butterflies! 我在发抖!




Don’t worry, everyone’s afraid the first time! 别担心,第一次的时候,每个人都会害怕。

Are you sure everything is ready? 你确定这很安全?

Yes, I’ve double-checked everything. 是的,我已经查过两次了。

Trust me! 相信我!

Ok, go for it! 来,跳吧!

That’s it! 就是这样!

You’re doing great! 干得不赖!

Nervous 紧张的/ worry 担心/ afraid 害怕的/ double-check 复查/ trust 信任/

Be nervous(about something) 对….紧张

I’m really nervous about this. 我真的很紧张.

Don’t be nervous! 别紧张!

He was nervous about the exam. 他对考试很紧张.

I’ve got butterflies! 我在发抖.

The first time 第一次

Don’t worry, everyone’s afraid the first time! 别担心, 第一次的时候,每个人都会很害怕.

The first time is difficult, after that it’s easy. 第一次确实很难,以后就简单了.

Don’t expect too much the first time. 第一次别期望太高.

Are you sure…? 你肯定….?
Are you sure everything is ready? 你肯定这很安全吗?

Are you sure(that) you will win the game? 你肯定能赢得比赛吗?

Are you sure(that) he is the right person? 你肯定他是适合的人选吗?

Are you sure(that) this is the way to Shanghai Museum? 你肯定这是去上海博物馆的路吗?

Yes, I’ve double-checked everything. 是的,我已经查过两次了.

Trust me! 相信我!

Have(got) butterflies 心慌,紧张

That’s it! 就这样!

You’re doing great! 你做得很好!

Be ready 准备就绪

Is everyone ready? 大家准备就绪了吗?

Go for it 去吧!

Nervous 紧张的/ worry 担心/ afraid 害怕/ have(got) butterflies 心慌,紧张/ that’s it! 就这样! / be ready 准备就绪/

阅读推荐:catti培训 catti培训班 新东方口译 环球网校翻译资格


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